Tagged: crime


The Trailer Project with Alexander Miller: Searching For the Death of America: Bonnie and Clyde, Night of the Living Dead, Easy Rider

The Trailer Project with Alexander Miller: Searching For the Death of America: Bonnie and Clyde, Night of the Living Dead, Easy Rider “Searching for the Death of America – Three Films That Killed the Sixties” Contains images of Historical Violence...


Monday Movie: The Paperboy, by Tyler Smith

Every Monday, we’ll highlight a piece of writing from our vaults. This article originally ran as a theatrical review. Lee Daniels’ new film The Paperboy is a seedy, pulpy film in which a scantily clad Zac Efron attempts to woo oversexed Nicole...


The Outfit: Too Tight, by David Bax

Knowing only that I was about to watch a crime movie called The Outfit, I thought to myself, “It would be cool if this were actually about clothes.” So imagine my delight when it immediately becomes apparent that that truly...

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