Tagged: horror


Resurrection: Assiduity, by David Bax

Some of your more expressionistic horror movies set their action in places and buildings that are already terrifying, be they gothic or rotted or in some other way sinister and dangerous. Others take a quieter, almost subliminal path, intentionally existing...


Monday Movie: Candyman, by David Bax

Every Monday, we’ll highlight a piece of writing from our vaults. This review of Candyman originally ran as a Home Video Hovel review. Nothing says “prestige horror” like a score by Philip Glass. His towering, choral, staccato music is unmistakable...


The Cast of Cthulhu: Spring

Spring has sprung, so what better time to cover Benson & Moorehead’s Spring than right now? There is no better time, obviously. Silly question. How foolish of you to ask. Anyway, Corinne Corrosive returns after The Shunting to discuss arguably the most...


The Trailer Project with Alexander Miller: Searching For the Death of America: Bonnie and Clyde, Night of the Living Dead, Easy Rider

The Trailer Project with Alexander Miller: Searching For the Death of America: Bonnie and Clyde, Night of the Living Dead, Easy Rider “Searching for the Death of America – Three Films That Killed the Sixties” Contains images of Historical Violence...

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