Tagged: Nicole Kidman


Home Video Hovel: The Others, by Rudie Obias

One of the big box office hits of 2001, Alejandro Amenábar’s The Others is a love letter to gothic horror with its post-WWII British setting, spooky production design, melodramatic tone, and haunting storytelling that engages audiences with scares, grief, and...


Monday Movie: Dogville, by Alexander Miller

Every Monday, we’ll highlight a piece of writing from our vaults. This review of Dogville originally ran as a Criterion prediction. Lars Von Trier has some issues with women. I don’t know what they are (and I want to), but...


Monday Movie: The Paperboy, by Tyler Smith

Every Monday, we’ll highlight a piece of writing from our vaults. This article originally ran as a theatrical review. Lee Daniels’ new film The Paperboy is a seedy, pulpy film in which a scantily clad Zac Efron attempts to woo oversexed Nicole...


Bombshell: Blown to Hell, by David Bax

Adam McKay was not the first recent director to turn from broad comedy to political point-making. Jay Roach, who made his name with the Austin Powers and Meet the Parents franchises, gained a new identity with the HBO movies Recount...


Boy Erased: Thesis Statement, by David Bax

Joel Edgerton’s previous outing as director, 2015’s The Gift, was a psychological thriller that, as such movies often do, borrowed heavily from horror tropes. His new film, the real life gay conversion therapy survivor’s tale Boy Erased, sometimes flirts with...

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