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Tags: 2013battleship pretensiondavid baxenough saidpodcastthe great beautytop tentyler smith
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Great episode, gentlemen! There isn’t a single movie on either of your lists that I have seen and disliked. Here is my personal top ten for 2103:
10. The Crash Reel
9. Prince Avalanche
8. Fruitvale Station
7. Enough Said
6. Rush
5. The Wolf of Wall Street
4. Upstream Color
3. Gravity
2. Short Term 12
1. Inside Llewyn Davis
I’m somewhat glad to know that my relentlessly making the case for Michael Bay as a great auteur has been so effective, but, for what it’s worth, there are a full five of his films that I could be pretty content to flush altogether, and which I would rank in the following order, from best to worst – The Island > Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen Bad Boys > Transformers > Pearl Harbor.
While we’re at it, the allegory in Elysium is completely ham-fisted and obvious and stupidly conceived, but this idea (and I’m not saying it’s one you’re propagating) that this aspect is some HUGE STEP DOWN from District 9, which literally substituted aliens for black people in South Africa and called it a day, is laughably ridiculous.
Also, I love “Uptown Girl,” despite it being, like nearly every Billy Joel song, really, really dumb.
I’d pay $29 for an episode in which David reveals what his day job is.
Lives in LA + liberal + has a legitimate job + can’t talk about it because it isn’t accepted everywhere = cannabis dispensary
Great episode guys!
Since I work in a movie theater this year was interesting. It was not a particularly great year. In fact I couldn’t think of too many films I would have paid to watch. But the very first week in the year saw the release of one of the worst films I’ve seen in my lifetime. From that point the movies could only get better, but not too much better. The summer was a pretty mediocre slate. And all of the great films were left for later in the year, with one of the best films I’ve seen in my lifetime for the very last week. That movie was The Wolf of Wall Street. Though aside from that most of the best films I’ve seen this year I did not see in the theater. In fact these were films I rented off of iTunes, films like To The Wonder, Upstream Color, and We Steal Secrets.
That terrible movie that started off this year was Texas Chainsaw 3D. Since neither of you mentioned the film when discussing your worst of the year lists I could only assume that you haven’t seen it. It is equal parts a sequel, a remake, and a reboot of the 1974 Texas Chain Saw Massacre, and fails on all counts. First off the movie begins with a highlight reel of the original film. Then the film proceeds to be a continuation of the original story and recreate all the highlights of the original film in 3D, with more gore, and without an ounce of the tact which Tobe Hooper displayed. And the story itself, I have to borrow your description of Side Effects David, in that it just out dumbs itself at every turn. I almost encourage you to watch the film yourselves because it would take me too long to simply detail how dumb this film is.
The summer movie slate was just a succession of mediocrities with few exceptions. Man of Steel I did not think was bad, I didn’t think it was very good either. Star Trek Into Darkness simply amplifies the qualities of the previous film: good performances, actors, direction, production values, plot makes no sense what so ever. Pacific Rim was probably one of the few highlights. Yes the script was cliched and silly but I think the detail and care del Toro uses to craft this world and all its elements make up for that.
I concur with you on all your points on Elysium and wish to ad another. Did you notice that everyone in the film were remarkably callous? Not only the rich people, but the people we are supposed to sympathize with displayed a remarkable disregard for human life and human well being. Maybe if the film was a commentary on how this type of lopsided two-tiered society breeds this type of callousness and resentment that would have been at least interesting. But no, the end is simply, blow up the bad guy-flip a switch-everyones happy-the end. The only thing that matters is how well one party can better impose their will on the other. Comparing a science fiction movie like Elysium to a movie like Gravity, you really see the difference between a simple story and a simplistic story. People criticized Gravity for being simple. Yes it tells a very simple story but it speaks volumes about the human experience, about mans place in the universe, and one woman facing an existential crisis and how she overcomes it. It is a film that is by no means simplistic. People probably just think it is simplistic in that the film in no way explicitly states these themes but uses action and images to demonstrate them. Exactly what cinema is supposed to do.
I will continue to avoid Texas Chainsaw sequels. Thanks!
– David
Great episode, almost always the best of any given year. I guess it’s because often you guys are using films to discuss topics, whereas it’s the rare episode that’s almost entirely focussed on the films themselves.
Always very rich, personal, and insightful.
Cheers team.
I am listening to this episode right now, or rather I just paused it. I felt I had to pause it and immediately write a comment about the fact that David has just announced his #9 pick, “Scenic Route”. All I can say is, I am right there with you on this one. I watched it on a whim, and thought it was an incredible film. I will agree that it is under seen and underrated, in fact, I haven’t heard anyone even mention it.
I thought that the film was a successful examination of two men’s friendship, but by the end it’s clearly also much more than that. I won’t spoil anything here in the comments, because of the fact that I’m sure very few people, if any, that read this have seen the film. I will, however, say that the film ends on a very ambiguous note, and in a way that plays with the conventions of the types of storytelling that films like it have seemed to trot out as being a challenge to the perceptiveness of the viewer.
I’m glad that you saw and enjoyed the film, David. I wonder if more people will do the same.
You all have plenty of time to catch up with Studio Ghibli for when I come to LA next year and do a artist profile with you.
Awesome stuff guys!
-listening from Hong Kong