Category: matt warren


17. Raising Arizona

directed by Joel and Ethan Coen Joel & Ethan Coen had already established themselves as formidable neo-noir plot wranglers and ace visual stylists with dour debut Blood Simple, but it was Raising Arizona that finally announced the brothers as comic...


21. Monty Python’s Life of Brian

directed by Terry Jones Monty Python’s Life of Brian (officially helmed by Terry Jones) is an ambitious, problematic, and hilarious deconstruction of the Christian creation myth. The high-wire act is staggering: here’s a film that goes out of its way to...


Painting and Running, by Matt Warren

Like lots of cultural icons who die before their time, painter Jean-Michel Basquiat endures in popular imagination not just because of what he achieved, but because he embodies our idea of a very particular time and place—specifically the shabby-chic bohemianism...


The BP Top Ten of 2013

This list was compiled from the individual top ten lists of Scott, Josh, Aaron, Rita, Matt, Craig, Sarah, Mat, Tyler, and David. Honorable Mentions: Spring Breakers, The World’s End, Much Ado About Nothing, You Ain’t Seen Nothin’ Yet, The Hobbit:...

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