Category: daniel bergamini


Sounds Good, by Daniel Bergamini

Leading up to the recent much-anticipated Criterion Collection release of Brian De Palma’s 1980 film Blow Out, film writers were buzzing about the quality of this under-appreciated film. It is one I was all but unaware of, something that is...


Thrown Back, by Daniel Bergamini

Typically I like to give films that leave me feeling indifferent a second chance, as the second viewing may reveal different and more interesting aspects of the film. In the case of Jason Eisener’s Hobo With A Shotgun, I feel...


3-Defense, by Daniel Bergamini

Being lucky enough to have never had to sit through a film with the old, paper 3D glasses, my view of the new 3D technology is fairly positive. Of course, I accept the fact that studios are not pushing it...


Love in the Reel World, by Daniel Bergamini

Films have the ability to influence almost every aspect of our lives. While we know film is not reality, it is, in many ways, a direct representation of reality, as it is directly influenced by raw human emotion. And when...


Finding Beauty, by Daniel Bergamini

Since I began writing films reviews, I have had a constant feeling in the back of my head that I was not critical enough. Too often I have had such a visceral joy after seeing a film that I was...


It Is Useless to Resist, by Daniel Bergamini

A couple of months ago, I decided to finally dive in and watch Star Wars: A New Hope for the first time. While discussing my first viewing, the main reaction I received from people was disbelief that I had never...

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