Category: matt warren


Matt’s Top Ten of 2013

2013 found the thing we call “Film” at a crossroads. As production technology advanced and distribution platforms sprung up like dandelions, outsider auteurs were suddenly empowered to share their vision to an unprecedented degree. At the same time, major studios...


AWOL, by Matt Warren

I’m pretty much in the tank for any movie that begins with a warning that the visuals in the film may make me vomit and/or obliterate my higher neurological functions. Such disclaimers were placed in front of both Enter the...


Sundance 2014 Part Three, by Matt Warren

Well, another Sundance has been entered into the record books—a gold-leafed journal bound in human skin and dusted with the rich spice fragrance of a 16th-century tobacco freighter—and filed away in Robert Redford’s private underground library on a shelf between...


Sundance 2014 Part Two, by Matt Warren

Welcome back to the thrilling, sexually dynamic adventures of a non-professional film blogger embedded deep within the Seattle’s Best Coffee cabanas and dine-in Pizza Huts of Park City’s de-militarized “Gingham Zone.” As I write this, the awards for the 2014...


Sundance 2014 Part One, by Matt Warren

Except for one interminable, soul-murdering six-year gap in the mid-‘aughts, I’ve pretty much been to every Sundance Film Festival since 1997. That’s like fifteen or so total SFFs—spanning high school to adulthood. Which is why it’s somewhat surprising that this...


Scarcely Present, by Matt Warren

While at the National Archives this week doing my customary 18-36 hours of research per film review, I discovered some fascinating—if not downright astonishing—information about the actor Harry Dean Stanton. Did you know, for example, that Harry Dean Stanton once...


Picture Book Show, by Matt Warren

There are two ways to perceive Lee Daniels’ ridiculous, not unentertaining new film The Butler. One: as Oscar-bait gone hilariously awry—an embarrassing, self-serious stab at profundity sunk by its own stupidity and unintentional camp. Or Two: as a well-intentioned political fantasy for...

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