Category: rita cannon


The BP Top Ten of 2012

This list was compiled from the individual top ten lists of Scott, Matt, Aaron, Patrick, Rita, Josh, Sarah, Dayne, Kyle, Tyler, and David. Honorable Mentions: The Queen of Versailles, Life of Pi, The Avengers, Beasts of the Southern Wild, Silver...


Rita’s Top Ten of 2012

10. Argo I know it’s not a bracing treatise on the human condition or anything, but man, is it an effective, gripping thriller. When it comes right down to it, the amazing thing about movies (or any other kind of...


Fall Flat, by Rita Cannon

Stand Up Guys has a lot of problems, but its biggest is tone deafness. Comedy is dependent on stakes. A good dark comedy knows how to leverage the high stakes that are inherent in sad or creepy subject matter, and...


Pleasant Surprise, by Rita Cannon

In The Guilt Trip, Seth Rogen plays Andy Brewster, a chemist-turned-inventor who’s struggling to get his line of organic cleaning products distributed. About to set off a cross-country series of pitch meetings, he drops in for a visit with his...

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