Category: top 100 movies

30. 8 1/2 (1963) 0

30. 8 1/2 (1963)

directed by Federico FelliniFellini’s ambiguously titled film about film, it follows Marcello Mastroianni as Guido, a sort of filmmaker-in-hiding, unable to land on the right ideas for his next film. No one else seems bothered, as he is hassled relentlessly...

31. The Seventh Seal (1957) 0

31. The Seventh Seal (1957)

directed by Ingmar BergmanIn the Seventh Seal, filmic genius Ingmar Bergman delves deep into the philosophical. An ominous but playful Death plays chess with a knight recently returned from the crusades. As the knight makes his way across medieval Sweden,...

32. Goodfellas (1990) 0

32. Goodfellas (1990)

directed by Martin ScorseseEven though Martin Scorsese is probably the most influential film stylist to come out of the Hollywood golden age of the 70’s, he never lets his tricks and aesthetics get in the way of his story and...

33. There Will Be Blood (2007) 0

33. There Will Be Blood (2007)

directed by Paul Thomas AndersonThere Will Be Blood may take place a hundred years ago but it’s a film about the here and now in many ways. A documentary a few years back suggest that, if a corporation is a...

34. Die Hard (1988) 0

34. Die Hard (1988)

directed by John McTiernanJohn McClane is the kind of action hero who gets shot in the shoulder and shrugs it off like it’s a bug bite. When he gets hurt, he feels it and so do we. The image of...

36. Star Wars: A New Hope (1977) 0

36. Star Wars: A New Hope (1977)

directed by George LucasAlong with Jaws, Star Wars brought forth a permanent change in the face of American cinema, ushering in the era of the blockbuster. It tells an epic story set in a fascinatingly complete mythical world. Millions of...

35. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004) 0

35. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004)

directed by Michel GondryCharlie Kaufman may be the most imaginative writer working today. When you hear the plots of his films, you think, that sounds amazing, but how do you write that? This film, which stars Jim Carrey and Kate...

37. Once Upon a Time in the West (1968) 0

37. Once Upon a Time in the West (1968)

directed by Sergio LeoneSergio Leone was a director whose ability to create suspense rivaled that of Hitchcock. Waiting for a train to reach the station has never been so fraught with tension. Long, silent shots of murderous eyes. Twitching hands...

38. Fanny and Alexander (1982) 0

38. Fanny and Alexander (1982)

directed by Ingmar BergmanIn what Ingmar Bergman claimed would be his last film, we find a rich, lush world with some of his most lovingly crafted characters. He invites us into the colorful but oft turbulent Ekdahl family, through the...

39. Saving Private Ryan (1998) 0

39. Saving Private Ryan (1998)

directed by Steven SpielbergI’m not sure there will be a war-film that will top the first 25 minutes of Spielberg’s Saving Private Ryan. Or the last 25 minutes for that matter. And in between are long passages of character and...

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